The Papua New Guinean Discovery

Between June 2, 2005 and August 7, 2005 I went to Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Translators. It was a time when God confirmed that He wants me there for His work. At the time I am a student at Davis College in New York State studying and preparing to go back to PNG full time.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Last week of Camp, Sermon, and heading back to!

Well I finished my last week at Cortland Bible Club Camp last week. Tonight (Sunday, August 13, 2006) I preached a sermon on Thought Life. Below is the outline from my sermon. I enjoy preaching the Word of God. We have in our Heart Language! What a blessing. Thank you Lord.

  1. The MIND God gave us
    1. Genesis 1.26-28

1) God created it good in the beginning.

    1. Job 38.36 “Who as given us the mind? God.
  1. Godly Thoughts vs. Unholy thoughts
    1. When does a thought become sin?
    2. Jesus was tempted in every way we are yet without Jesus must have had thoughts that passed through His brain that were not godly, yet might not have been sin...let’s go on. (Hebrews 4.15)
    3. The point in which Adam and Eve sinned was when they took of the fruit. They were tempted...yet Eve pondering it wasn’t the sin, but the action.
    4. James 1.14-15

1) Tempted à Desires (enticed) à SIN à Death

    1. Jesus talks about the mind with Murder and Adultery in the HEART (Seat of the Emotions: MIND)

1) Matthew 5.21-26 (Murder by hating brother without cause)

2) Matthew 5.27-30 (Adultery by looking with lust for her)

a. Lust and Desire are the exact same word in the Greek.

b. Lust, Desire, Covet (ἐπιθυμέω)

  1. The Christian’s Thought Life
    1. Galatians 2.19-20 (Crucified with Christ)
    2. 2 Corinthians 5.17 (New Creation, Old things passed away behold all things are new)
    3. Romans 12.1-2

1) JB Philips “Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within”

2) Transformed by renewing of your mind

3) Word Transformed (metamorpho-o)

4) The same Greek word is where we get our English word meta•mor•pho•ses

5) Our minds just a caterpillar are changed into a beautiful butterfly.

6) Renewing “complete change for the better”

  1. Capturing ALL Thoughts
    1. 2 Corinthians 10.4-6

1) Our Weapons against Satan (Ephesians 6.12) are not of the flesh (carnal)

2) Captivity: bring into captivity, lead away captive, to capture ones mind, captivate, get control of

3) It is a war (we are casting down, pulling down stronghold, every high thing)

4) A War against Satan, SIN, and the World System

  1. Replacing Ungodly thoughts
    1. God’s Word

1) Psalm 119.9-11

2) Psalm 1

3) Remember what Jesus did when He was tempted...Quoted Scripture. (MATTHEW 4.1-11) It is Written... It is Written... It is Written...

    1. Good and Wholesome thoughts

1) Philippians 4.8

a) true- truthful

b) noble- honest, serious, dignified

c) just- right, upright, virtues, righteous, proper

d) pure- pure, sacred, clear, immaculate, free from sin

e) lovely- acceptable, agreeable, pleasing

f) good report- sounding well, praiseworthy (so Paul is emphasizing it?)

g) virtue- good moral, moral excellence, purity, wonderful act

h) praise worthy- praise, fame, commendation, lift up, raise up, exalt, magnify

2) Not simply memorizing this verse but do what Paul says to do.

This is just the outline. Maybe some other Christians can have a purer thought life by looking up some of the Scripture I used. If it helps you come closer to God PRAISE THE LORD!

Friday I head back to College to start RA training. Senior Year already! Wow! Where does Time go? Well maybe I'll write more as the days go by. Good Night.


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